
Showing posts from February, 2021

Reading Activity 0503: Dark Social

  Dark Social Reading ACTIVITY 0503 " Dark social is when people share content through private channels such as instant messaging programs, messaging apps, and email. This private sharing is harder to track than content shared on public platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, so many social media marketers don’t realize how big of a slice dark social has of the social media sharing pie. Some of the most common dark social traffic channels are: Messaging apps —such as WhatsApp,  WeChat , and  Facebook Messenger Email —to protect users’ privacy, referrers aren’t shared) Native mobile apps —Facebook, Instagram Secure browsing —If you click from HTTPS to HTTP the referrer won’t be passed on In other words, dark social describes any web traffic that’s not attributed to a known source, such as a social network or a Google search. Referral traffic is usually identified by certain “tags” attached to the link whenever it’s shared." (Source: Th

Reading Activity 0501: #NikeAirMaxDay

 #NikeAirMaxDay Reading Activity 0501 Nike had to adjust to social media vs traditional media strategies for sales. They had to define, assess, track and adjust  to measure what they should do and make sure it worked. . They knew they had to engage their fans. They created the #sneakerhead community and focussed on their most popular Air Max Brand. They did 'hyperstrikes' so fast immediate announcements and releases of new product. They used interaction metrics to see how the targets engaged, and how much content was shared. Based on the metrics they were able to go further by creating their own 'day'.  The most difficult thing to achieve would have probably been the tracking aspect. and the most valuable would be the same.  I'd say they should just keep doing what they're doing.  And probably other companies should be copying them.  It's no surprise this corporation has been able to keep up, they've always been ahead of the curve. They must have the bes

Reading Activity 0401: Netlytic Dataset

Netlytic Dataset for Twitter: Gender Critical Reading Activity 0401 After four false starts (not due in any way to the lecture, since it was really well done and thorough, just due to my own unfamiliarity with anything like it before) I finally found a topic/word that worked! The term 'gender critical' without any other search keywords brought up enough tweets to attempt some sort of analysis of the dataset. I found 6,754 tweets with this phrase on Tier 2.  I checked out the top unique words through text analysis, of which a lot look pretty juicy if this is a subject that one has any interest in (gender vs sex, transwomen are women (literally) vs scientific fact, and identity vs the materiality of oppression (sex, class etc), the obliteration of feminist thoery by queer theory, men in women's prisons, and crucially, free speech.  I will never post but I will lurk. Oh I will lurk. So then I checked the numbers of mentions per unique word Realized this is actually a really fu

Reading Activity 0403: Do Not Track/ Panick Attack

Do Not Track/ Panick Attack   ACTIVITY 0403 “Core assumption in tech: personalized ads are better for users. Ads exploit your insecurities to manipulate you into buying stuff you don’t need. Who wants their personal insecurities amplified?” – Former Google employee  James Damore “Cookies used to cause cavities only in our teeth. Now they also cause cavities in our privacy.” ―  Khang Kijarro Nguyen “Google tracks their users even though their motto is ‘Don’t be evil.’” ―  A.D. Aliwat,  In Limbo Like any extraordinary power, surveillance provides temptations for abuse, such as tracking political opponents and journalists.  -Ari Melber You could go crazy thinking of how unprivate our lives really are - the omnipresent security cameras, the tracking data on our very smart phones, the porous state of our Internet selves, the trail of electronic crumbs we leave every day.  - Susan Orlean Every few years, the feds and the courts change direction or fail to answer important questions. And ever

Reading Activity 0101: The Zones of Social Media and Me

  The Zones of Social Media and Me Reading Activity 0101 A list of ten websites that I frequently visit, or have visited in the past. categorized according to the Zones of Social Media  1. Instagram-Social Community, Social Commerce (artists for one use it to sell their work) 2. Facebook-Social Community, Social Commerce 3. Reddit- Social Community 4. Spinster-Social Community 5. Amazon-Social Commerce (Social in that you rely on reviews and stars to make purchase decisons) 6. Wish- Social Commerce (they give you a facebook looking page where you can actually set up a profile to interact with other shoppers, what you have purchased, your wishlist of items to buy and anything else at all you wish to share with other users) 7. Yelp -Social Commerce 8. Wordpress-Social Publishing 9. Blogger-Social Publishing 10.Youtube-Social Publishing

Social Networks, No Privacy and What Rights?

Social Networks, No Privacy and What Rights? “Privacy is the fountainhead of all other rights. Freedom of speech doesn’t have a lot of meaning if you can’t have a quiet space. A space within yourself, within your mind, within the community of your friends, within your home, to decide what it is you actually want to say.”   Edward Snowdon “Privacy isn’t about something to hide. Privacy is about something to protect. And that’s who you are. That’s what you believe in. That’s who you want to become. Privacy is the right to the self. Privacy is what gives you the ability to share with the world who you are on your own terms.”  Edward Snowdown   The same laws that apply to stealing people's paper mail should be applied to all online communication and behaviors. Tradition permission giving don't read the fine print check the box privacy sign overs to social media giants should not exist now in light of the fact that nobody writes letters or uses paper mail, that all communication bas

Reading Activity 0302: Social Branding: Hashtag Wish

  Reading   Activity 0302 Social Branding: Hashtag Wish Is my obsession. I have never been so happy to order too small polyester misrepresented color/size/description and the occassional golden egg, a black one piece baggy peasent chairman mao type uniform It's a sort of gambling, I bet everyone's obsessed with it right now, I'll be checking out the hashtags! #wish brought up their official account first. 7.2 million followers. following 15. Then unrelated content for the next one, and then cursedwishobjects which is worth checking out (so tone deaf sometimes, lost in translation) The only independent of official wish accounts so far. Then 30 unrelated, then finally #wishbrasil, 28,000 odd followers. Others pop up down the feed, official wish sites from other countries. Tried, more success there. First one #wtfwish as pictured above, which is inactive, wish.com_reviews, 200 odd followers, (a woman dedicated to posting grim stark pictures of all wish purch

Me, Myself and My Social Profile: The Social Consumer

Me, Myself and My Social Profile:  The Social Consumer This is a list of the top 3 social media platforms I use that make up part of my Social Profile and examples of the type of content that I have shared recently on them. Based on the framework of Brian Solis I will determine what type of posts they are (Vision, Validation, Vindication, Vulnerability, Vanity or a combination) and then comment on their balance, the type of impression they might be leaving with others, and what my personality could be construed to be like as a consumer. Instagram: I use it the most, I am an artist so it's only artists I follow and generally who follow me. It's the only way I have right now to show my work, I am preparing for Grad School in Painting and Drawing however and working on my own art website because it's not sufficient and I will be including options to purchase prints and originals as well as perhaps update daily with comics that I draw.

Reading Activity 0301 Week 3 -Friends on Facebook: the New Notion of Friendship

Facebook Friends: The New Notion of Friendship Reading Activity 0301 Emotional support is one form of social capital. For example, people who struggle to lose weight or fight addictions often prevail because they are part of a group that helps them with these battles, such as Weight Watchers or Alcoholics Anonymous. We call this kind of emotional support  bonding social capital . This resource easily accrues online because of our accessibility to people who can help us with a variety of issues even though we may not know them personally. In contrast, our  c ore ties , those people with whom we have very close relationships, may or may not be in a position to provide solutions to some problems we face (or we may not want them to know about these in some cases).29 Interestingly, through the course of giving and receiving bonding social capital, we may come to develop core ties, or at least  significant ties  (somewhat close connections, but less so than core ties), with others in the com

Reading Activity 0202 : Social Group Activity and the Horrors of (and my polite decline) Googling myself (with preview)

Reading ACTIVITY 0202 Social Group Activity and the Horrors of(and my polite decline) Googling Myself As an astrology student most of my groups online are through facebook and are about every single topic I could find on the subject as my goal is professional practice. I engage with these groups more than any others, and more than any platform (engagement being actual commenting and discussion and even sharing of charts and asking questions of the group, ending up in rather intimate conversation about things like relationships and family and all the things people are interested in knowing about when they consult an astrologer. The reason I'm not just a lurker in these groups is because I am actively trying to learn and also to help people who have less knowledge because as we should know, teaching always helps us to learn more. I think the impulse I have in engaging as such is, from the text in Chapter 2, is primarily a combination of a curiosity impulse and personal utility impuls