Reading Activity 0401: Netlytic Dataset

Netlytic Dataset for Twitter: Gender Critical

Reading Activity 0401

After four false starts (not due in any way to the lecture, since it was really well done and thorough, just due to my own unfamiliarity with anything like it before) I finally found a topic/word that worked! The term 'gender critical' without any other search keywords brought up enough tweets to attempt some sort of analysis of the dataset.

I found 6,754 tweets with this phrase on Tier 2. 

I checked out the top unique words through text analysis, of which a lot look pretty juicy if this is a subject that one has any interest in (gender vs sex, transwomen are women (literally) vs scientific fact, and identity vs the materiality of oppression (sex, class etc), the obliteration of feminist thoery by queer theory, men in women's prisons, and crucially, free speech. 

I will never post but I will lurk. Oh I will lurk.

So then I checked the numbers of mentions per unique word

Realized this is actually a really fun/effective way to access all your interests on Twitter. Definitely going to be reading about 'universities' where this came from via postmodernism and in particular literary theory and queer theory. I'm surprised that JK Rowlings didn't come up but then I remembered she was only referred to as a TERF. I searched manually for those later. I'm also surprised 'intersectionality,' is missing. Why did I have to find TERF manually, there is no way it wasn't in the top 100!

Then I did this

i added JK Rowlings and searched within good feelings

It appears there were 19 posts. Should I have searched for it via keywords (I guess that's only allowed at the very beginning and I didn't want to limit myself). I just put it in manually as you can see. 

I checked the visual text analysis of gender critical in general. 597 were under the positive and only 373 negative.  I know from the lecture that often they can be miscategorized due to words divorced from entire meaning of tweet but it's a substantial difference so my feeling the tide is turning about the madness of identity over biology and the mysoginy intrinsic in the replacement of sex with gender. 

I checked out Network Analysis

and played a round a bit with some connected nodes, (trying to understand what i'm looking at, it's pretty....

So hopefully this counts as analysis, I tried to copy video exactly and pay attention and take notice of the steps which I did although I can't say I understand this type of visual yet fully. 
