Reading Activity 0101: The Zones of Social Media and Me

 The Zones of Social Media and Me

Reading Activity 0101

A list of ten websites that I frequently visit, or have visited in the past. categorized according to the Zones of Social Media 

1. Instagram-Social Community, Social Commerce (artists for one use it to sell their work)

2. Facebook-Social Community, Social Commerce

3. Reddit- Social Community

4. Spinster-Social Community

5. Amazon-Social Commerce (Social in that you rely on reviews and stars to make purchase decisons)

6. Wish- Social Commerce (they give you a facebook looking page where you can actually set up a profile to interact with other shoppers, what you have purchased, your wishlist of items to buy and anything else at all you wish to share with other users)

7. Yelp -Social Commerce

8. Wordpress-Social Publishing

9. Blogger-Social Publishing

10.Youtube-Social Publishing
