Me, Myself and My Social Profile: The Social Consumer

Me, Myself and My Social Profile: 

The Social Consumer

This is a list of the top 3 social media platforms I use that make up part of my Social Profile and examples of the type of content that I have shared recently on them. Based on the framework of Brian Solis I will determine what type of posts they are (Vision, Validation, Vindication, Vulnerability, Vanity or a combination) and then comment on their balance, the type of impression they might be leaving with others, and what my personality could be construed to be like as a consumer.

Instagram: I use it the most, I am an artist so it's only artists I follow and generally who follow me. It's the only way I have right now to show my work, I am preparing for Grad School in Painting and Drawing however and working on my own art website because it's not sufficient and I will be including options to purchase prints and originals as well as perhaps update daily with comics that I draw.

These are some of my most recent posts to Instagram, they are the art work I made that day (I try to post at least one piece of work per day). 

Hashtags include: #ladies #experimentalart #contemporaryart #postmodernismisdead #neoliberalismisfalling #cute #becute #foundart #foundmaterials #collage #textart #character #malegaze #genderisaconstruct #beauty #mixedmedia #textart #digitalart #illustration #womanartist #artprocess

The third image pictured here has a caption that reads "Spamming your wall because I'm so productive." I'm being fasicious. 

My instagram is all art, and art by it's very nature makes it a vision post. These recent posts on Instagram are a combination of vision, validation and I would like to say vulnerability but some might say vanity instead. 

Facebook. I probably use it second only to Instagram.

I have only been sharing youtube videos of my favorite early-mid 2000's r&b/hip hop as well as world's top freestylers. I guess I would say music has such power in inspiring people, they I just think all art is vision, and everything I share is bangin so maybe some validation on top? I definitely aim those posts at my peers in a 'hey same-aged person, this is our era' type way. When I write on other pages they are only astrology pages, where people post their charts or synastry and ask the group for imput. Sometimes if I recognize the aspect strongly in my own chart I can comment on that, which is helpful for other people and helps me to really analyze the way that aspect felt and played out. It's about learning so it's a vision post. According to this way of breaking down post types it is also a vulnerability post  because I'm sharing my own stories/experiences a bit, but also offering an interpretation for someone else that might help them or others who read the thread so it is a  If I had to choose another it might be Validation, simply for myself, that I actually am learning that subject, it's so hard and I have no time to devote to it. 

Spinster: Spinster is a new platform that is a feminist page, much like Reddit, since Reddit took down all their feminist pages without warning due to the efforts of transactivists. I am a gender critical feminist and that is not a safe thing to be these days on social media as this group of transactivists goes after you directly when they identify you as a TERF. Spinster is very careful about people coming in and getting your name and information and finding out how to negatively impact you, one example is they go after your job etc. I don't use it that much, but probably it would be the third platform as far as how much I engage with them.

Honestly, I don't post. I'm a lurker. I think the information I get there is the reason. Lots of links to articles, and videos and sites. But honestly I enjoy all the above sites OTHER posters vanity posts! Not boring selfies, but my smart friends looking glamorous.

Overall, I'd say that someone looking at my profiles and behaviors on these platforms would think..she's an artist, she makes sort of vaguely sexual work, shares intimate things that make me feel uncomfortable (just like literally some actual feedback there), she's productive, she's self involved and I'm getting a little older (when your normal music becomes 'classic' that's when you know you're actually really aging, like for real aging). 

I think the majority of what I share can classified as a combination of vision, validation, vindication (I can't help but do 'terrorist' posts sometimes in my local sisterhood fb group of Magdelene Berns, and write under it not to post anything unless you watch the video) and I suppose some vulnerability (art) posting.
